Parent Pick-Up Procedure

  • At Washington Elementary, we have a "Drive Thru" pick-up procedure.  Each family is assigned a car number to last the entire time your student(s) attend Washington (3-4).  This number is assigned to your family only and is a Washington building number.  

    We ask that you have your student learn this number.  It will expedite the dismissal process.  If possible, mark it on a piece of tape on their backpack. 

    In an effort to keep the process running smoothly…

    • Parents and guardians are permitted to arrive on Washington School's property no earlier than 2:30 pm to line up for dismissal pick-up.
    • You must complete the application process and pick up your number card before you can participate.
    • Please send a note with your student(s) on the day they will be parent pick up or call before 2:00pm.
    • If your student will be participating every day - please send one note at the beginning of every school year.
    • If someone other than YOU is picking up your student:
      1. Send a note so the school knows the name of the person picking up your student. 
      2. Make sure your student knows who is picking them up. 
      3. Please share your number with the person picking up your student (you can write it on a large piece of paper).

    The number that you have been assigned should be visible in the front DRIVER's side window so it can be seen easily by our staff on duty. 

    If a car approaches and has no visible number, the driver will have to pull into a parking space and enter the building to sign out their student. 

    How do I get my number? (We recommend you complete this process before the school year begins)

    • You can print out the Car ID form, complete it, and bring it to the Main Office between the hours of 9:00 and 2:00.


    • You can come to the Main Office to fill out the Car ID Form between the hours of 9:00 and 2:00.
    • You will need to provide the following information:
      • Car make, model, color and license plate number.
      • You will need to provide your Photo ID
    • Once the information process is completed, we will provide you with the yellow number cards with your assigned number.