In order to demonstrate that appropriate education is occurring, the supervisor will provide and maintain on file for each student enrolled in the home education program an annual written evaluation of the student’s progress, as determined by a licensed clinical or school psychologist, a Pennsylvania certified teacher, or a nonpublic teacher or administrator with at least two (2) years within the last ten (10) years of teaching experience in Pennsylvania.
At the supervisor’s request and with the Superintendent or designee’s prior consent, individuals with other qualifications may conduct the evaluation. The evaluator will not be the supervisor or his/her spouse. The evaluation of the student’s progress will also be based on an interview of the child and a review of the portfolio. The evaluation of the student’s progress will certify whether or not an appropriate education is occurring.
The supervisor will provide to the Superintendent or designee at the conclusion of each district school year for each student participating in the home education program the annual written evaluation of the student’s educational progress.
The Superintendent or designee will determine whether a student is receiving an appropriate education that consists of instruction in the required subjects for the time required, and the student demonstrates sustained progress in the overall program.
If the Superintendent or designee has a reasonable belief at any time during the school year that appropriate education may not be occurring in the home education program, the District may, by certified mail/return receipt requested, require documentation pertaining to the portfolio to be submitted to the district within fifteen (15) days, and documentation pertaining to the evaluation of educational progress to be submitted within thirty (30) days.
If required tests have not been administered by the time the supervisor receives the request for documentation, the supervisor will submit the other requested documentation and submit the documented test results at the end of the school year.
Based on the documentation provided, if the Superintendent or designee determines during or at the end of the school year that appropriate education is not occurring for a student participating in the home education program, the Superintendent or designee will send a letter by certified mail/return receipt requested to the supervisor. The letter will state it is the opinion of the Superintendent or designee that appropriate education is not taking place. The Superintendent or designee also will return all documentation and specify what aspect(s) of the documentation is inadequate.
The supervisor will have twenty (20) days from receipt of the certified letter to submit additional documentation demonstrating that appropriate education is taking place.
If documentation is not submitted by the supervisor within that time, the home education program for the student will be determined as out of compliance. The student will be enrolled promptly in the district schools or a nonpublic school.
If the Superintendent or designee determines that additional documentation submitted by the supervisor still does not demonstrate that appropriate education is taking place, the District will notify the supervisor by certified mail/return receipt requested; and a proper hearing will be provided, in accordance with Board policy.
The Superintendent or designee and hearing examiner may photocopy submitted documentation for his/her files.
The Superintendent or designee and hearing examiner will return, upon completion of review, all required documentation to the supervisor.