Home Education Requirements
A notarized affidavit of the parent/guardian or person having legal custody of the child shall be filed with the Superintendent or designee prior to commencement of the home education program and annually thereafter on August 1. The affidavit will include:
- Name of the supervisor of the home education program responsible for providing instruction.
- Name and age of each child participating in the home education program.
- Address and telephone number of the home education program site.
- Confirmation that subjects required by law are offered in the English language, including an outline of proposed education objectives by subject area.
- Evidence that the child has received required immunizations and the health and medical services required for students of the child’s age or grade level.
- Acknowledgment that the home education program will comply with applicable law.
- Certification signed by the supervisor that the supervisor, all adults in the home and persons having legal custody of a child in the home education program have not been convicted of criminal offenses as enumerated in the School Code.
When a home education program is relocating to another Pennsylvania school district, the supervisor must request from the Superintendent or designee a letter of transfer for the home education program. The request must be made by registered mail thirty (30) days prior to relocation.
The Superintendent or designee will issue the letter of transfer within thirty (30) days after receipt of the supervisor’s registered mail request.
When a home education program is not in compliance with law, the Superintendent or designee will inform the home education supervisor and Superintendent or designee of the relocation district of this status and the reason for denial of the transfer letter.
When a home education program is in hearing procedures, the Superintendent or designee will inform the home education supervisor, hearing examiner and Superintendent or designee of the relocation district of this status and the reason for denial of the transfer letter.
Instructional Program
A student enrolled in a home education program meets the established requirements if the program provides a minimum of 180 days of instruction, or 900 hours of instruction per year at the elementary level, or 990 hours per year at the secondary level.
At the elementary level, the following courses will be taught: English, to include spelling, reading and writing; arithmetic; science; geography; history of the United States and Pennsylvania; civics; safety education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires; health and physiology; physical education; music; and art.
At the secondary level, the following courses will be taught: English, to include language, literature, speech and composition; science; geography; social studies, to include civics, world history, history of the United States and Pennsylvania; mathematics, to include general mathematics, algebra and geometry; art; music; physical education; health; and safety education, including regular and continuous instruction in the dangers and prevention of fires.
Courses of study may include, at the discretion of the supervisor: economics; biology; chemistry; foreign languages; trigonometry; or other age-appropriate courses required by the State Board of Education.