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Communicable Diseases

Communicable Diseases

Students with any of the communicable diseases noted below will be excluded from school attendance for the days noted for each disease, in accordance with state regulations:

  1. Chicken Pox – five (5) days from appearance of the first crop of vesicles, or when all the lesions have dried and crusted, whichever is sooner.
  2. Diphtheria – two (2) weeks from onset or until appropriate negative culture tests.
  3. German Measles (Rubella) – four (4) days from onset of rash.
  4. Infectious Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) – until no discharge is present.
  5. Measles – four (4) days from onset of rash.
  6. Mumps – nine (9) days from onset or until swelling subsides.
  7. Neisseria Meningitidis (Meningitis) – until deemed noninfective after a course of medication or until otherwise shown to be noninfective.
  8. Pertussis (Whooping Cough) – three (3) weeks from onset or five (5) days from commencement of appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
  9. Respiratory Streptococcal Infections including Scarlet Fever – at least ten (10) days from the onset if no physician is in attendance or twenty-four (24) hours after commencement of appropriate antimicrobial therapy.
  10. Tuberculosis – following a minimum of two (2) weeks adequate chemotherapy and three (3) consecutive negative morning sputum smears, if obtainable and a physician’s statement that the student is able to return to school.

Students who have been excluded for the following communicable diseases will be permitted to return to school immediately following the first treatment:

  1. Ringworm – body lesions, except those lesions that have dried, will be covered.

Students who have been excluded for the following communicable diseases will be permitted to return to school twenty-four (24) hours following the first appropriate treatment:

  1. Impetigo Contagiosa (Impetigo).

Students may be excluded from school for additional communicable diseases or infectious conditions as determined by guidance and communications to the school nurse or designated staff from the PA Department of Health or other state or local health officials.